
Montag, 25. Dezember 2017

🎄Merry Christmas🎄 from "Rockmaniacs Bücher Welt"


Rockmaniacs Bücher Welt wishes all of you a 🎄M.E.R.R.Y. C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S. 🎄!!!

This year, I had for the first time the pleasure to read a very awesome Christmas book "Winter at Cedarwood Lodge" by Rebecca Raisin. Otherwise, I seldom read Christmas books for Christmas, because I have so many books on my sub.

At the same Time i had the pleasure to read Jake Bible's "ZBurbia 2" too. Two different type of books and I love to have the choice to read whatever I want - whenever I want. The reviews of both books follow in the next days or maybe at the beginning of the new Year.

At this point I would like to thank every single follower on my Blog and on the different Social Medias. I would like to thank every single Author: the most of them became my friends - Thanks for your books and for your friendship. I would like to thank the Publisher Houses, they who work with me. A special Thanks goes to „Luzifer Verlag“ & it's whole Team. 

I wish every single one of you all a Merry Christmas!!!


Montag, 18. Dezember 2017

Zitate aus "Z Burbia 2 - Trip in die Hölle" von Jake Bible



☠️ "... Die Toten erhoben sich und sie waren hungrig. Sie gierten nach dem Fleisch der Lebenden. Die Apokalypse war in vollem Gange. ..." (S. 12)

☠️ "Zs sind tot; da ist nichts mehr, das Angst kennt, Glück, Liebe oder Verlust. Sie sind lediglich leere, fleischfressende Monster. " (S. 18)

☠️ "Jace: >> Nicht mein erstes Z-Rodeo. <<
       Leeds: >> Natürlich nicht. Ich bin einfach nur daran gewöhnt, Befehle zu erteilen. <<
       Jace: >> Ich bin verheiratet. Also bin ich daran gewöhnt sie entgegenzunehmen. <<" (S. 24)

© Zitatrechte Luzifer Verlag

Zitate aus "Winter at Cedarwood Lodge" von Rebecca Raisin



🌺 "Cedarwood has a murky past, but it's being reborn and I have this idea that it'll be a place where people fall in love, and lives will be changed for the better."

🌺 "... the abandoned library. The room was the stuff of every bibliophile's dream. Deep, dark mahagony shelves recessed into all four walls. Ladders were still attached, which slid across like something from the 1800s. It was bereft of novels and I couldn't wait to go book shopping and fill the room with old tomes whose perfume would scent the air. ..." 

© Zitatrechte Rebecca Raisin


Ich liebe Zitate und hier liste ich einfach mal die auf, die mich in den verschiedensten Büchern fasziniert haben. Aber Vorsicht: Zitate beinhalten manchmal auch Spoiler... Viel Spaß!❤️


Anke Maiberg - Vorübergehend verschossen


Jake Bible - Z Burbia 2 - Trip in die Hölle


Rebecca Raisin - Winter at Cedarwood Lodge